
"Dovetailing is a manner in which well-made furniture has its corners joined together using perfectly interlocking pieces."


vicki I have always been neurotically organized. Even back in college, my classmates were so impressed with my notes, they offered to buy them; I gladly obliged! Being administrator of a center city law firm for ten years honed my skills in keeping a large staff content and working efficiently.

My next career move was becoming CEO of a very small corporation – the Shelly Family – that includes my husband of almost 30 years, Bruce, my children, Adam and Samantha, and Gracie, our standard poodle. I truly enjoyed being an at-home mom, a rare breed these days. But aside from raising my children, volunteering at their schools and attending many business functions with my husband, my creative and organizational outlets became entertaining and decorating. Not only was I decorating my homes, but my friends and my friends’ friends began requesting my services to decorate and organize their homes. I was truly flattered. My other great passion is entertaining. Whether it is a small dinner party, a masquerade ball or a wedding, I love the excitement of seeing an event through from the invitation to the guests’ goodbyes. I’m a serious detail person!


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