
decorating & redesigning

We can design and decorate an empty space for any purpose the client requires.

Many clients, however, want a home makeover using the majority of their existing furniture. This is our specialty!

We do this by rearranging furniture, adding new accessories, choosing a new wall color, or giving space a purpose. We can work on one room in particular or we can give your entire home a fresh, updated look.

It is an affordable alternative to completely redecorating.

We will be more than happy to come to your home on a consultation basis to help you with room layouts, choosing wall colors, accessories or the mixing of fabrics and patterns.

We can shop with you or shop for you.

Our clients have been so thrilled with our organizational skills and creativity, they have even asked us to coordinate all aspects of a special event or party including invitations, decor, menus and staff management.

We can do as much or as little as you would like!

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